Friday, April 5, 2013

Greetings, History Loggers! Sorry for the delayed update, but there's just been so much going on already during this second half of the semester!

Most importantly: REGISTRATION! It starts on Monday! Make sure you're awake and ready for your registration time. You really don't want to miss it, I promise. Also, double check with your adviser and other professors to make sure you have all necessary codes for accessing the class when you register. If you have any questions or concerns about how to use PeopleSoft for registration, make sure to check in with the helpful folks at Tech Services in the library.

Also, make sure to keep an eye out for the new class being offered by the new visiting professor for next year: Melisa Galvan! The course is titled Contested Terrain: Conflict Along the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands!

This Day In History:
-1621: The Mayflower sets off from Plymouth back to England
-1792: President George Washington is the first to veto a bill
-1992: The Siege of Sarajevo begins

--Your frazzled History Department assistant